EarlyON Mobile Program Calendar
No registration required!
*Always check the Facebook page of the playgroup you are visiting before heading out incase there has been a cancellation/redirection. *
The Mobile Facebook page is: Mobile EarlyON Playgroup
Monthly List
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- 5Burgess Hall – Mobile Playgroup9:30 am - 12:00 pmTay valley Forest Trail, 4174 Narrows Lock Rd, Perth – Indoor playgroup at Burgess Hall on Narrows Locks road is geared for children 0-6 years of age. The cozy indoor space allows for a mix of gross motor play, art, sensory and fine motor activities! We set the space up to invite families to explore and have fun. , ...
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- 12Beckwith Complex- Mobile Playgroup9:30 am - 12:00 pmBeckwith Complex – Indoor playgroup in Beckwith is geared for children 0-6 years of age. The giant indoor soccer field allows for lots of gross motor play. We set up the space to invite families to explore and have fun! Please bring running shoes. Facebook , ...
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- 19Montague Mobile Playgroup9:30 am - 12:00 pmMontague Centennial Hall – 657 Rosedale Rd S – Mobile Playgroup is for children 0-6 years of age. During the summer months come prepared for outdoor play. We strive to create an inviting environment for families to move their bodies, explore and have fun. We supply a variety of gross motor activities with a littl , ...
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- 22Come Sledding with us!10:30 am - 12:00 pm1190 Rosedale Rd. S., Montague- Join Kayleigh for a fun morning of sledding at the Montague Toboggan Hill! , ...
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- 26Beckwith Complex- Mobile Playgroup9:30 am - 12:00 pmBeckwith Complex – Indoor playgroup in Beckwith is geared for children 0-6 years of age. The giant indoor soccer field allows for lots of gross motor play. We set up the space to invite families to explore and have fun! Please bring running shoes. Facebook , ...
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